How to Write Winning Product-Led Content with SEO Infusion

Content marketing has been around for a long time now, as one of the most impactful ways of engaging target audiences, distributing brand information, and building a solid brand following.

One of the most powerful types of content marketing is publishing and distributing product-led content. It is where you present your content not just as an essential tool to convey information, but to drive targeted traffic that helps you realize your sales potential.

Infuse SEO into it, and you’ll have yourself a skyrocketing concoction that can bring you significant traffic, because SEO and organic traffic generate more leads than any other marketing initiative.

The key, however, is not what to do but when and more importantly, how to do it.

So, let’s dive in deeper.

Understanding Product-Led and SEO Optimized Content

To make sure we are on the same page and understand the basic definitions in the same way, let’s start by paying some attention to the most basic terms.

What Is Product-Led Content?

This is a type of content which is based on the product itself — its features and uniqueness, its target audiences and their problems, and the ways the product solves them. And, as a rule, this type of content is first of all aimed at product promotion and sales.

When a company ties in its services and solutions with the content it puts across, it builds three very important things:

  • credibility,
  • clarity,
  • and connection.

Which, in turn, helps a business attract more leads.

What Is SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a way of increasing your website visibility on search engines like Google and Bing, as compared to your competitive websites.

Consistent and well-authored content is the key to establishing yourself as a trustworthy and solution-oriented company on the market, so SEO is almost impossible without content. Infusing your regular content with workable SEO strategies aligns your end goal with that of your desired customer circle.

When you plug your content with well-researched and popular keywords (or search queries), which are in line with the current algorithm, it helps you maximize your reach on a digital platform. The better the reach, the more the attention and larger customer acquisition.

How to Infuse SEO Into Your Product-Led Content

It may seem challenging to combine your product-led content with SEO and balance between the requirements of both.

But infusing your product-led content with SEO can help you grasp the enormous opportunities that were otherwise hidden. If implemented properly, this is the ultimate tool to aid you in tapping untapped markets which can push your sales up.

Let’s see how, step-by-step.

1. Identify and Define the Problem

Product-led content creation starts with describing the problems and needs of your audience based on the product. It helps to connect content ideas to the value propositions of your product and the market.

While drafting the content of any type, including SEO, you need to address these issues of your target audience and then go on to explain how you come into the picture. Let the readers connect with your content. The more connected they feel, the better the conversions become.

So, the first thing you need to do is create a list of the most essential issues or needs you are going to address with the help of your content.

2. Carry Out an SEO Research

Performing in-depth SEO research allows you to understand what your customers are searching for, specifically. It shows you the keywords that are doing well on search engines and also the new ones that may appear. You can do that by using tools like Ahrefs or Serpstat.

Such research also helps you understand if you can twist your existing content to suit a more SEO-driven strategy. This may save you a lot of time and hard work and improve your content results.

3. Merge Your Content with SEO

So you have created a list of users’ problems and discovered search queries. The next step involves infusing the two together and finding the right intersection point between them.

The end goal is to find out topics that represent both what issues or problems your product addresses and what your potential customers are searching for.

As a result, you will have a list of keywords (or topics) that you need to cover with your content to get a higher chance to both fulfil your SEO goals and attract new leads.

4. Build a Content Plan

SEO topics are not the only thing you can base your content plan on. It may also include media publications, landing pages, articles to build your HR brand, and so on. Therefore, you’ll need to join all these into a solid content plan which will make it clear what you are going to create, when, and who exactly is going to execute.

5. Creating Content

This is the culmination of all your hard work. Also, one of the most difficult steps is to crack your way in.

Here you also need to join the two approaches, writing both for the SEO and for your product. Of course, you want to generate leads and advertise your product, but you don’t want your content to be only ads. Otherwise, it will never reach the top of Google, especially in the competitive topics.

So, balance is everything. 

Explore Content Tools

Except for blog articles, experiment with different types of content that may bring you significant value. For example, infographic works really well if you want to explain many things in a short span of time. Tools like Venngage really come in handy to simplify creation of visual types of content using their numerous well-designed pre-made templates.

Emails are probably the oldest trick in the book, but they are still relevant because almost no one can get through a day without checking their inbox. You can choose an appropriate tool to send your content via newsletter. Clean Email‘s list of email programs is a good start if you are a small business looking for multi-functional email platforms.

Finally, interactive videos are the new kid on the block when it comes to putting out relevant content. There are several tools such as InShort and PlayPlay that can do the job in seconds.

End Thoughts

In today’s time and age, customers are extremely smart. They know exactly what they want, and they’re willing to pay the price for it if they find the service best suited to their needs. With SEO-optimized product-led marketing, you get a chance to build a network of customers who trust you, which works wonders in the long run.

Investing in SEO product-led content marketing can also help you create more sign-ups. Additionally, it places your product/service in the right market and saves up on a lot of resources.

Even if the customer doesn’t necessarily employ you for your services right away, there is a high chance that they might subscribe to your content, which might help you in the long run. Be consistent, be practical, and be tactful with your strategy and there’s no stopping you.

About the Author

Roman Shvydun

Roman Shvydun writes informative articles mainly about everything related to e-mail. His articles have become extremely popular in such areas as Marketing, Business, Productivity, Workplace culture, etc. His articles focus on balancing informative with SEO needs–but never at the expense of providing an entertaining read. See a few more examples of Roman’s articles by visiting the Mailbird blog.

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